Needs: An UnZIPing Program, VBRUN300.DLL & Windows 3.1
Keywords: Rapallo, Projects, Time, Timecard, VB, Win 3.1
Type: Shareware
Version: 6/1/95
This file requires VBRUN300.DLL (Visual Basic Runtime). You can find both this file and instructions for it by using keyword: WIN FORUM, and clicking on Visual Basic Run-time Modules in the left-hand listbox. This program will NOT work with VBRUN100.DLL, VBRUN200.DLL, VB40016.DLL or VB40032.DLL.
New with this version: Enhancements: The unregistered version is now fully functional for better evaluation purposes prior to registration.
Uploaded by the author. If you are a lawyer, a computer programmer, work on accounting, or else you can use JobTrack to do exactly that, which is Track the Jobs you perfomed during a period of time (hours,days,months) for a given customer. JobTrack keeps a record for you with the Customer Data like Name, Type of Job, etc. Also It keeps the Hourly Charge that you will apply to the customer. Start a job, when done for the day just save it with what ever name you like, and the next day you can resume that job. JobtTrack remembers how many hours, minutes, seconds you put into a given job.
Note: To install, decompress archive into an empty directory and run INSTALL.EXE.